Jamo associates - Project

月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The brand OZOC reopened their store in the first basement level of Lumine East, a large shopping center adjacent to Tokyo's Shinjuku Station. In order to make visitors feel the OZOC's unique sense of style, Jamo's idea was to clearly divide the space into "functional sales areas" and areas where the "brand's sense of style" is pinpointed through visual merchandising. The brand's sense of style is expressed through the theme of "the bedroom of a girl who loves to travel"; this is seen primarily around the fitting rooms where the "bedroom" is made out of distressed reclaimed materials and decorated with antiques, plants, fabrics and picture frames "collected from around the world". Functional sales areas are composed mainly from floor-standing display fixtures; these provide a flexible framework that can be easily changed to fit each day's flow of customers, shop manager's intuition, or new product line-up.


月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

This is a sister brand to the popular Japanese shop "Natural Beauty Basic". Various interior elements inspired by the first letter of the brand's name have been brought into a classic setting reminiscent of "medieval Europe". These include N-shaped display fixtures, an N-shaped pattern in the floorboards, and an unintentional allusion to the letter N in the use of neon lights (which starts with the letter N). Through these elements Jamo was able to make use of the technique of contrast to delineate a modern sense of space out of a flat white area, which otherwise gives the impression of a trip through a modern art gallery. Decorative columns are placed regularly throughout the space to create a sense of rhythm and to tie the overall space together. Additionally, the columns were made to be used as display fixtures. By adding only necessary functions to existing architectural elements Jamo experimented with creating store fixtures that establish a more coherent sense of space. The bright pink platforms that have been placed strategically here and there throughout the store were also chosen from the perspective of creating contrast.

国内の人気ショップである、NATURAL BEAUTY BASICの姉妹ブランド。無作為に羅列された、「N」から始まる単語のネオン、斜めに傾いた「N」のフォルムの什器、巨大な「N」を貼り分けたフローリングなど、中世ヨーロッパを思わせるクラシックな様式に、ブランド名「N.Natural Beauty Basic」の「N」にインスパイアされた数々のインテリアエレメントを落とし込むことで、モダンアートギャラリーを回遊しているかのような面白さと、そこから今の空気感で切り取った「対比の美」を用いた。規則的に配置した装飾柱によって、空間にリズムと統一感を出し、柱に什器としての機能を持たせた。既存の建築要素に必要な機能のみを付加することで、より一体感を持った店舗什器を創造しようというデザインを試みた。ところどころに効果的に配された強い色調のピンクのステージも、「対比の美」の考えに基づいた選択である。

月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

This Beams shop directly abuts a major train and subway station. As a result the customers span a wide range of age groups and the items offered by the store range from casual wear to office wear and diverse accessories. In order to neatly organize the many items offered at this store, Jamo came to call this a "unit" project and began from the starting point of developing display fixtures. Here the "unit" becomes a large independent box-shaped fixture to which are added various concepts with the aim of creating seamless customer service. In the exterior part of the "box" Jamo created a space for signage and displays as well as a system where shelves and hangers can be attached in order to display product. Fitting room and storeroom functions are assigned to the interior part of the "box".


月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

Jamo originally designed the interior for FREE'S SHOP in 2006 and then again for a redesign in 2011 when the store decided it wanted to "age together with their customers" and offer a more relaxed shopping atmosphere for a slightly older woman. The primary materials used are limestone and teak and the atmosphere throughout the store was made one of lightness and calm. The brand's sense of "cool sweetness" is expressed through a palette of smoky pastels and brass with lustrous patina. A sense of dynamism was given to the space by using various colorful and bold graphic touches, such as stripes on the ceiling, geometric print carpets, and graffiti on fitting room walls.


月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

OVER ALL is a café built in Tokyo's Tabloid Building, a former printing factory converted into a mixed-use facility for work and play. Since the café is situated at one end of the buildings entrance hall, Jamo was asked to design it to be the face of the building, a place where creators gather, share a bite and make connections. Since the building's support structure was in good condition, Jamo experimented with renovating the interior with a "factory" concept. This became a way to bring to life the unique strength that buildings only get through many years of actual use as well as to bring life to an atmosphere that would engender fresh ideas and creativity. The support structure, which had become stained with oil and ink, was altered as little as possible, and the dado, which tends to enter the field of vision while dining, was cleaned up with blue paint. In selecting materials, only those associated with factories were used (e.g., aluminum and iron, clean pieces of old wood, blackboards). Old and new desk lamps used at factories around the world were affixed around the walls. Walls above seating areas with sofas were decorated with tabloid newsprint.

タブロイド紙の印刷工場をコンバージョンした、仕事と遊びを創造する複合施設TABLOID(タブロイド)ビル1Fに併設するカフェ。メインエントランスホールの延長に位置することから、クリエーターが集い、食を介して、人と人とがつながる場とする "施設の顔となるカフェ"が条件となった。躯体の状態が良かったことから、長い年月を実際に機能していた建物だけがもつ独特な力強さや、創造性を換気させる空気感を生かすことを考え、「工場」というコンセプトを元にリノベーションを試みた。油やインクが染みついた躯体はできる限りそのまま利用し、食事中、視界に入りやすい腰壁部分は新しくブルーに塗り清潔感を出す。アルミニウムや鉄、無垢の古材、黒板など、工場を連想させる素材のみを使い、世界中の工場で使っていたという設定で世界各国、新旧のデスクランプを多数壁に取り付けた。ソファ席上部の壁にはタブロイド紙を並べデコレーションとした。

月別: 2011年3月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

This store is the flagship for a collaboration between designer Keita Maruyama and NEWYORKER, a Japanese apparel brand with a classic American style. The image Maruyama wished to create was the idea of "America, land of the free". Jamo's plan was to create a space where the style could informally take shape by filling it like a photographer's studio with objet reflecting Maruyama's fertile imagination. In order to show off to positive effect the various scenes created in the store, the ceiling was made black and lined with light bulbs and a single "studio-like" space was created. Those scenes include the motif of the roof of an Ivy League university building (seen in the border along the shop's brick walls) and the motif of an entrance of a stately American home (seen in the tartan plaids, the small floral print of the wallpaper, and the Stars and Stripes of the American flag). To display more detailed scenes, three 7.3m2 booths were built where the walls could be plastered with ideas.
