Jamo associates - Project

月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The building for BEAMS’s new store in Nagasaki was built in 1990 and was only redesigned in its current incarnation as a commercial building after going through a phase as a baroque-style wedding chapel. Jamo was asked to design the men’s and women’s BEAMS shops on the 1st and 2nd floors as well as some of the areas shared by all building tenants. The large-scale renovations transformed the structure into a contemporary style building suitable for fashion brands and made use of the existing decorative motifs in the façade. For over 10 years at its previous location in Nagasaki, BEAMS continued to be a draw for the city’s fashionable people and had a large customer base that straddled diverse age ranges. Jamo used white stucco walls and chic wooden display fixtures throughout the store and created a relaxed atmosphere with an awareness of the diversity of customers’ age groups. The shop’s ceilings were finished with a lattice pattern in narrow wooden ribs, which allowed Jamo to neatly arrange such functional facilities as air conditioning vents.

1990年に建てられたビル。その後バロック風の結婚式場を経て、今回商業ビルとして改装オープン。 一部の共用部と1F、2Fのレディース、メンズウェアを扱うBEAMSを担当。外観の装飾を生かしたモダンなファッションビルとしての大掛かりなリノベーションとなった。10年以上長崎のファッションシーンを牽引し続けたBEAMS既存店にはショップと共に年を重ねた顧客が大勢いるため、白いしっくいの壁と木製のシックな什器で全体的に統一し、顧客の年齢層を意識した落ち着いた雰囲気で仕上げた。フロアを跨ぐすべての天井には細木で格子をあしらい、出来上がったグリッド内にエアコンを配置することにより、設備的な機能を視覚的に美しく収めることに成功した。

月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

For the brand IDEE, which sells primarily interior and lifestyle products, opening a shop-in-shop in the Yurakucho branch of LUMINE apparel shopping buildings meant developing a new kind of store. Jamo created the store design with the image of a “storage box” or “warehouse” in mind so that items of diverse shapes and sizes could be neatly displayed and visitors could clearly discern the beauty of each item.In delineating the shop’s space within the overall building, Jamo used glass walls that turn the façade into a display tool. Here, large items can be shown off to positive effect through use of the glass walls’ long continuous rows of shelving, which have been framed in with wood detailing up to the ceiling. In the center area of the shop, a visually open space is created through the use of low platform fixtures, which display product with a sense of liveliness and fun, reminding visitors of the kind of atmosphere they might find in an outdoor market. The resulting contrast of ordered displays in the façade with the sense of activity in the platform fixtures creates an animated atmosphere in the overall space.Next to the display counters, a type of ordinary adjustable material for walls is used but in a way that does not make its original function obvious. The material is allowed to show plainly and with very finely spaced openings (65mm apart from ceiling to floor and 25mm apart lengthwise) the material allows the wall to be transformed into a free-form display area through the insertion of fittings into the backing. By allowing the raw material itself to show the area is given a fresh and playful visual sensibility.In the store as a whole, industrial materials are given a variety of functions. Despite their industrial nature, Jamo could create an elegant interior by transforming the raw materials through attention to refined detailing.


月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The concept shop THE CONTEMPORARY FIX opened its second location in the first basement "Woodhouse" retail section of Hong Kong's Chungking Mansions. The shop's director determined the theme for the store would be that of "sport", which Jamo interpreted through a modern lens and carried over into the overall design and interior decorations.By using actual athletic equipment, the interior blends a sense of the real and the unreal, thus expressing the feelings of tension and elevation inherent in sport. In particular, the use of chain link fence makes it possible to show product in diverse ways. Beyond its effectiveness as a visual element, the fence introduces a natural route for visitors to take, allowing them to glimpse beyond to the back of the space and creating a sense of expectation as they explore the shop. The store could be said to be the kind of experimental space only an actual functioning shop can present.

海外初出店となるコンセプトショップTHE CONTEMPORARY FIX の2号店は、香港の重慶大厦(チョンキンマンション)内の商業施設WOODHOUSEの地下1階。ディレクターから与えられたテーマ「スポーツ」をモダンに解釈し、デザインとデコレーションに落とし込んだ。実際の競技で使用されているアイテムを使用することで、空間にリアリティと、非現実感を同居させ、スポーツのもつ緊張感と高揚感を表現。特にフェンスの使用は、商品の多様な見せ方が可能であるため、VP要素としても効果的であるだけでなく、壁の奥にある空間をかいま見せることで来場者への期待感や店内全体を回遊できる自然な導線を導いた。リアルショップならではの体験型空間といえる。

月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The store Demi-Luxe opened in the Coredo shopping center in Tokyo's central Nihonbashi area. Its target customers are women who have grown up with an understanding of what it means to have a sense of "high quality". The theme for the interior is "a space that appears to reflect a particular woman's hobbies." With the image of such a woman's refined home in mind, Jamo paid close attention to the design of such details as materials, color combinations, fitting rooms and glass vitrines.The front of the store―offering apparel for everyday―was given an open and lively feel with the image of the front hall of the woman's residence. The back of the store―with more luxurious items―uses closet-like fixtures affixed to the walls and creates a more private atmosphere like that of a woman's bedroom so that customers can enjoy lingering over the process of looking over each item. The wall fixtures also make effective use of the interior's corners, which often end up as dead space in stores, and are able to show off the individual beauty of diverse product ranges. The four fitting rooms are each differently decorated. Artificial flowers are used on walls and countertop vitrines to create a sense of romanticism.


月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

BEAMS opened this boutique in a new mixed-use building in the Korinbo area of Kanazawa in Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture. Jamo turned an existing long open central staircase into a more enclosed and discreet space in order to increase a sense of dramatic tension to greet customers as they ascend to the second floor. Once upstairs, they are given a sense of visual elevation through the expansive open floor plan. The second floor makes diverse use of oak wood, which, together with yellow paint applied to the ceiling, creates a warmth contrasting with the coolness of the LED light fixtures. Establishing separate men's and women's floors is a necessary part of creating a concept shop like this where diverse product is functionally laid out and a sense of coherence is elegantly created throughout the entire store.


月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

Heather AEON Ota is a brand of women's apparel, which, according to the brand, offers "a girlish style that effortlessly incorporates just the right amount of trend looks". In designing the store for the brand, Jamo made use of the space's high ceiling and divided the space into high and low. In the "high" areas, the brand's image is expressed through elements that highlight their unique visuals. "Low" areas are given the functional role of presenting product so that it is easy for customers to take in hand. The high-low layout allows the shop to transmit its brand image by making visible even to passers-by who do not actually enter the store. The brand's style, which targets romantically minded young women, is expressed through pastel striped wallpaper, patchwork carpet made of small rugs, soft rounded fixtures, and randomly placed prefab mirrors in various shapes.


月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

This new concept shop from BEAMS opened on Naka-Dori Street in Tokyo's Marunouchi area. It offers items primarily from its own BEAMS GOLF collection, which aims to make golf more enjoyable, but also includes high-fashion clothes for the outdoorsman and clothing for surfing and other sports. With the aim of showing product in a way that eliminates any disharmony that could arise from showing such a wide variety of styles, Jamo used simple walls (partitions) to create sections for different product ranges and made it easy to layout the various brands in the single space. The walls are built so as not obstruct customers' view of the overall shop space and thus customers are naturally guided through the total space. The brand logo in the awning over the shop's entrance is created in translucent film and illuminated by light from the shop's interior. In rain or shine, the awning offers up a retro image of the neighborhood and allows the store to display its style prominently to passersby.

丸の内仲通りに出店したBEAMSの新しい形態となるコンセプトショップは、ゴルフをより楽しむためのオリジナルブランドBEAMS GOLFを中心に、ファッション性の高いアウトドアウェア、サーフウェアなどスポーツライフにまつわるアイテムを扱う。多数の異なる商品ラインナップの世界観を違和感なく独立させて見せることを目指し、パーテーションともいえる簡易的な壁をそれぞれのコーナーを仕切るように建て、ひとつの空間に複数のイメージの構成が容易にできる機能とした。それらの壁は空間全体の見通しを遮ることなく、店内全体を回遊できる自然な導線を導く。透光性のフィルムによる内照式のショップロゴをもつオーニングは、周辺のレトロな景観に馴染みながらも、天候に関わらず店舗の存在をアピールできる。

月別: 2011年12月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

THE TERMINAL is community space with the concept "work + study + eat + drink + play." It is located in the very heart of Tokyo in the well-known Harajuku area. Not merely an Internet café, this terminal-like space is for people working in creative fields (often freelancers) and those nomadic workers who perform their jobs on the go, moving from one location to another within the city. The interior was inspired by the name of the space and the functions it serves and can be seen as a focal point or "station" for information and exchange. A "shipping" theme was applied to fixtures, which make use of reusable shipping containers and packing crates. Jamo created a space where visitors can relax and in a comfortable setting allow their creative energy to flow. At the same time, the space makes diverse use of natural materials and creates a straightforward atmosphere that doesn't try too hard to stand out. Finally, Jamo decorated the space with interior accessories that bring out the flexibility and playfulness of the Harajuku area.

東京の中心ともいえる原宿駅から徒歩6分に位置する「Work+study+Eat+Drink+Play」がコンセプトのコミュニティスペースTHE TERMINAL。インターネットカフェとしてだけでなく、"ノマドワーカー"と呼ばれる都会で移動しながら働く人たちや、フリーランスを中心とするクリエイターにとってのターミナルスペース。スペースの機能と店名からのインスピレーションを、情報やコミュニケーションにおける"中継地点"として捉え、輸送手段の間で積替えが可能である貨物用コンテナや、枠組木箱などをモチーフとし造作に置き換えた。来店者をリラックスさせ、クリエイティビティを心地よく最大限に高めるようにと、自然素材を多様し、奇をてらわないオーソドックスな造作に終始した。また、小物のデコレーションにより、原宿の柔軟で遊び心のある演出を行った。