Jamo associates - Project

月別: 2012年6月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

This is the first store for the brand Enfold, started for the 2012 spring/summer season by Baroque Japan Limited’s creative director Mizuki Ueda. With the concept of “hidden beauty”, the store is interested in forms that are beautiful regardless of what angle they are viewed from. Jamo created racks like one-of-a-kind artworks using the brand’s signature shade of blue in order to draw out the mysterious elegance the brand creates through lavish prints and bright colors. With varying heights and twists and turns, different openings are created where each individual article of clothing can be shown most beautifully. Jamo had classic French styling in mind for the space, which comes through in such areas as the herringbone pattern used for the wood floors, but at the same time put a contemporary twist on this styling through the wall moldings created through a composition of straight lines reminiscent of abstract art. The space has a gallery-like feel that balances a dignified sense of space with a feeling of tension.

バロックジャパンリミテッドのクリエイティブ・ディレクター・植田みずき氏が2012年春夏シーズンよりスタートさせた新ブランド、ENFOLDの第一号店。“HIDDEN BEAUTY(隠された美)”をコンセプトに、360度どこから見ても美しいフォルムを追究。華麗なプリントや鮮やかな色彩で魅せる同ブランドの神秘的なエレガンスを最大限に引き出す工夫として、ブランドカラーであるブルーを基調にアートピースのようなハンガーラックを制作。あえて高低差を持たせ、ねじれやズレをつくることで隙間を生み出し、ひとつひとつの洋服を美しく見せる視覚的な仕掛けを施した。ヘリンボーンのウッドフローリングなど、空間的には伝統的なフレンチ様式を意識しながらも、抽象絵画を彷彿させる直線的なコンポジションによる壁面のモールディングで、コンテンポラリーなイメージに。ギャラリーのような凛とした空気感と緊張感を狙った。

月別: 2012年6月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The Kitano Club has been known as the foremost meeting salon in Kobe. To carry on that history and tradition, the wedding and function hall “Kitano Sora” opened on a lush green hill in 2005. For the renovation of its “Grace Villa” banquet hall, Jamo’s concept was to create a landscape where visitors are treated to a “view of the ocean through a forest”. In order to give a palpable sense of the rich greenery and unfolding city that the hall overlooks, Jamo used the same floor material for the interior space and outside terrace and organized the spaces by creating levels. From the interior of the hall it is possible for visitors to look straight out at the ocean, and different heights of the ceiling give visitors a sense of their field of vision opening out in front of them. By opening the folding doors in the center of the hall, it is possible for visitors to get a feeling of “light and wind” flowing through the space. Jamo decorated the interior with objects that appear as if out of a fantasy woodland (plants on the ceiling, animal-shaped objet, bird cages, etc.) to give a soft connection to interior and exterior spaces and to create an otherworldly impression. The result is festive space where people can celebrate their most important events.

神戸屈指のサロンとして名を馳せた北野クラブ。その歴史と伝統を受け継ぐ緑豊かな高台に、2005年にオープンしたウェディング&パーティースペース「北野クラブ ソラ」。そのバンケットである“グレースヴィラ”のリニューアルコンセプトは、“森をとおして、海が見える景色”を作ること。眼下に広がる神戸の街並と贅沢な自然を感じられるよう、室内とテラスに同じフローリング材を使用し、床レベルを調整。室内からフラットに海を眺められるようにしたほか、高低差を付けた天井で視界に広がりを持たせ、中央の折れ戸をオープンにすることによって、光と風の感じられる空間に。また、シーリンググリーンや動物のオブジェ、鳥かごなど、森をテーマにしたファンタジックな装飾で内外の境界をゆるやかに繋げ、非現実的な世界を演出。人生の晴れの日を祝うに相応しい祝祭的な空間を作り上げた。

月別: 2012年6月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

Anima is a new women’s sportswear brand by Japanese apparel manufacturer World and is centered around “running, fitness and yoga”. For the opening of the flagship store in Harajuku, the brand’s director proposed the theme of a “sharp” and “clean” interior. With that in mind, Jamo used a monotone foundation of black and white together with wall treatments that highlight their rustic materials to create a greater sense of depth and dimensionality in the space. The design of the black fixtures and stairs from the first floor are continued where Jamo has increased the floor space of the second floor sales area. While using such devices to increase the number of shoppers going to the upper floor, Jamo also used a prominent skylight to bring shoppers’ sight upwards. The space was given a greater sense of openness. Vertical blinds were used on the facade to make the building appear more slender. In the end, Jamo was able to create an exterior that serves as a symbol for this design conscious sportswear brand.


月別: 2012年6月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

In November 2011, the shop Actus opened a new store in the so-called “village zone” of the largest shopping mall in Tokyo’s seaside suburb of Shonan. Jamo designed Actus’ first floor apparel section as well as its 50-seat outdoor cafe on its second floor. The Søholm Cafe’s director described its tongue-in-cheek theme as “Scandinavian in origin, arriving in Shonan, coming by way of Los Angeles.” In response to this, Jamo painted the brick walls in graphic patterns using a grey blue symbolic of Sweden’s flamboyant 18th century Gustavian style that is itself rooted in French rococo. Strings of frosted bulbs create a multiplying effect and give diners a feeling a rhythm in the landscape when they take their seats. Jamo also created a relaxed atmosphere with decorative beams and areas of plant plopped here and there inspired by Copenhagen’s autonomous neighborhood Christiania. By leaving open spaces in certain spots around the cafe, Jamo sought for the interior to be able to relax customers on a physical level.
