Jamo associates - Project

月別: 2012年10月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

Garden House is a new shop in Kamakura, an ancient capital of Japan. It’s a city where many historic ruins remain and which is much-loved to this day by Japan’s literati. The project renovated and converted the former studio of manga artist Ryuichi Yokoyama, which sits in the Onarimachi area near Kamakura Station. The shop includes a 110-seat café and restaurant with attached terrace, as well as a “general store” (selling various lifestyle products) and a garden shop.The concept for the renovation project was “local and craft”. Jamo was responsible for the interior and exterior of this community destination. We adopted eclectic styles, including retaining various elements to keep the memory of the 50-year old residence alive, as well as decorating spaces with Scandinavian and arts-and-crafts styles and finishing the wood in the ceilings with a so-called “u-zukuri” technique, which rubs the soft part of the wood to bring out its beautiful texture. Jamo tried to create a space that exists in balance with nature and has a sense of “universality” required of a contemporary experimental space such as this. One way in which Jamo tried to accomplish this is through the graphical use of triangular wood fiber boards in the wall of the booth seats area, with the pattern indicate forest. Another is through the expression of contemporary modern craft while also keeping minimal boundaries between interior and exterior spaces.Tree House was built by “tree house creator” Takashi Kobayashi. The office SOLSO, which works in landscape design and plant coordinating, collaborated on the landscaping and garden shop. The gift shop Early Birds, which Jamo's Chinatsu Kambayashi run, collaborated on the shop's general store.

歴史の旧跡が数多く残り、古くから文化人に愛されてきた古都・鎌倉にオープンした複合ショップ「GARDEN HOUSE」。鎌倉駅からほど近い御成町に残る、漫画家・横山隆一氏の旧アトリエをリノベーション&コンバージョン。テラス席を含めて110席を誇るカフェ&レストラン、生活周りの雑貨を扱うジェネラルストア、ガーデンショップ,ツリーハウスクリエイターの建てたガーデンハウスを併設。 リノベーションのコンセプトは、“ローカル&クラフト”。弊社は、このコミュニティプレイスの内装デザイン及びエクステリアを担当。築50年を越える邸宅の記憶を継承し、アーツ&クラフトや北欧のテイストを散りばめながら、和風建材を使い天井を浮造りで仕上げるなど、様々な様式を折衷。また、レストランのソファ席の壁面に“森林”に見立てた三角形の木毛板をグラフィカルに配し、外と中の境界を緩やかにつなげながら、現代のモダンクラフトを表現するなど、緑と共存し、時代の試練に耐えうる普遍性を持った空間を目指した。 植栽計画、ガーデンショップにSOLSO(ツリーハウスはツリーハウスクリエイター小林崇氏が制作)、ジェネラルストアには弊社所属の神林が手がけるギフトブティックEarly BIrdsがコラボレート。

月別: 2012年10月

client :
url :
space area :
212.87 m2
movie :
garden design :
flower direction :
Yasutaka Ochi
construction trader :
DECOR Co.,Ltd.
photographer :
Kozo Takayama

The new destination building "Hikarie" opened in Tokyo's Shibuya area April 2012. Jamo was asked to design the central lounge for a members-only workspace for creative types called "8/". Located on the building's 8th floor and produced by the company Kokuyo Furniture, the lounge is designed around the idea of serving as a "town square". "8/" is intended to be new type of workspace that builds an organic community around it and puts into practice the idea of a Shibuya-style way of working. With this in mind, Jamo felt it was important to set the space up with a sense of openness and a relaxing atmosphere. For example, elements from city parks are built into the space, such as seating that comes from the same kind of benches used in New York's Central Park, classically styled stairways, and cubicles built with the feel of a classic telephone booth. At the same time, Jamo creates various "scenes" where communication can spontaneously come to life and where a "town square" is recreated with high degree of flexibility and public openness.

2012年4月26日に開業した渋谷ヒカリエ。その8階にあるクリエイティブスペース「8/」に、コクヨファニチャー株式会社が誕生させたメンバー制オフィス「Creative Lounge MOV」。 弊社はそのオープンラウンジの設計を担当。空間のデザイン・コンセプトは、"街の中心にある広場"。有機的なコミュニティを創出し、渋谷らしい働き方を実践する新しいワークスペースに相応しいラウンジとして、開放感とリラックスできる雰囲気を重視してプランニング。例えば、NYのセントラルパークで実際に使用されているベンチを什器として採用、クラシックなテレフォンブースをイメージしたボックス席や階段を作るなど、公園にある装置を空間に落とし込みながら、さまざまなシーンを演出し、自発的なコミュニケーションが生まれる、フレキシブルで公共性の高い"広場"を再現した。