2012.03 / Ginza , Tokyo
- client
- url
- space area
- 277m2
- construction trader
- lighting
- n2 × 1LUX
- photographer
- Kozo Takayama
BEAMS opened the flagship of their “Demi-Luxe” stores in March 2012 across the street from their renovated BEAMS Ginza store. The 3-story shop (from 1st basement to 2nd floor) was organized as a “modern villa” with each floor designed as the “home’s” grand entrance, living room and closet. The concept is expressed without explicit scenography or specially fabricated store fixtures. Rather, as when renovating an actual old home, antiques and contemporary furniture are used side by side with the resulting “differences in temperature” creating a space where visitors can get a sense of the person living there and what his or her likes may be. With the various brands sold at the store ranging from basic to high-end items each season, it was important to create a space that transmitted a degree of luxuriousness appropriate to each brand.
2012年3月「ビームス銀座」の向かい側にオープンした「Demi-Luxe BEAMS」のフラッグシップストア。1F、2F、B1Fの3層からなるショップを“モダンな邸宅”と捉え、それぞれをエントランスホール、リビングルーム、クローゼットと想定。明快にシーンを表現しただけでなく、実際の住宅をリノベーションするように、造作什器を意図的に計画せず、モダンなデザインファニチャーとアンティークを隣合わせにディスプレイするなど、意図的に温度差を生み出すことで、住み手の人物像と嗜好が想像できるような空間に。時代に寄り添うベーシックからラグジュアリーなアイテムまでを扱う、BRAND同レーベルに相応しいラグジュアリーな空間に仕上げた。