Jamo Associates was founded in 2000 by interior designer Norito Takahashi and interior stylist Chinatsu Kambayashi. As a designer and stylist respectively, we have made full use of our individual disciplinary perspectives; and together, a unique vision has allowed for an active and advantageous collaboration. We have created various kinds of spaces—aiming broadly for “a space where the heart moves”—while freely changing the approach, method and expression according to our clients’ request. Our projects are many and various and include: the styling of interior decoration, magazine and page layout, furniture production, and design of window displays, retail stores, restaurants, offices, and hotels.
In 2017, in pursuit of new collaborations, the styling team led by Chinatsu Kambayashi goes independent as Studio Early Birds. Due to shifting base to California, they are now developing activities focused on design. And so we strive to create a variety of projects, attempting to shed light on things overlooked in life or unintentionally forgotten.

Norito Takahashi

CEO / Interior Designer

After studying interior design, Norito joined the establishment of EXIT Metal Work Supply design studio, which is equipped with a first class workshop. During four fruitful years, he fully devoted himself to the design and production of store furniture, fixtures and equipment. After going independent as a designer in 2000, Norito founded Jamo Associates with interior stylist Chinatsu Kambayashi, who now runs Studio Early Birds. To optimise clients’ various demands, Norito maximises his well-balanced sense of craftsmanship and completes beautiful spaces. These match attention to detail with enormous ideas and precise calculations with a sense of humour—all in pursuit of experience based functionality.


2017年、新たなコラボレーションの可能性を追求するため、神林千夏率いるスタイリングチームがスタジオアーリーバーズ(Studio Early Birds)として独立。カリフォルニアに拠点を移したことで、現在は設計に特化した活動を展開しています。生活の中で見過ごされたり、無意識のうちに忘れさられてしまうような部分に光を当てることを大切にしながら、多くのプロジェクトを創造し続けています。

高橋 紀人

CEO / Interior Designer

インテリアデザインを学んだ後、工房を備えたデザインスタジオ「EXIT metal work supply」の設立に参加。4年間、店舗用什器のデザイン、制作に没頭。デザイナーとして独立後、2000年にインテリアスタイリスト神林千夏(現Studio Early Birds)と共にジャモアソシエイツを設立。様々な要望に対して、膨大なアイデアと緻密な計算、ユーモア、多くの経験による機能性の追求、持ち前のバランス感覚で細部までこだわる美しい空間を仕上げる。